Friday 18 September 2009


.....Was pretty awesome.
Tonight was our weekly youth group at church called Ignite.
It started off really well with great social (includes things like a cafe, football, basketball, skate ramps, etc), but the highlight for me was the actual service.
We got into groups according to guys and girl and their school year, and did a quiz. I'm a pastoral group leader, along with Kim and Kerry, for the year 7 girls. Basically, all we do is get to know this group of year 7 girls really well and are there for them if ever they need anything, to pray, to talk, etc. We also get into this group for discussions and whatnot.
Worship was incredible (I did quite a bit of crying lol as God gently reminded me of who He is and how great His love is). The best part of this for me was seeing some of the year 7 girls from my group lifting their hands high to praise God, and so totally involved in the worship and focusing on God. It brought a lump to my throat to see these young girls going for God.
They are an awesome bunch of girls - really lively and bubbly - and I am looking forward to getting to know them over this next year. I pray that they will really grow in their relationship with God and that this year of their life will give them such a firm founding in God. I also pray that God will give me the wisdom and the words, and will guide me in the best possible way so that I can guide these girls and give them advice and help when they need. I want to be a friend to them, not just a leader, and above all, I want to encourage and help them to grow with God. If all I manage to do in the year is point them towards God and see them grow in that, I will be happy.

On a more serious note, I am just happy that even though people disappoint, God does not. Not ever. And that brings me peace.

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