I've decided that every now and again I am going to post stories called 'Lessons from a Spaniel'
So here's the first one.
Today when I walked Skye in the morning before uni, it was raining. Oh well. Got on the jacket and the hat and the wellies and set off for the fields.
And on the way to the fields, it starts raining harder! Murphy's law!!
And I am thinking 'well this isn't very funny right now!', and you know what? Skye is agreeing with me!!
We carry one and when we get to the fields, she stops and looks at me with the biggest hang dog look I have ever seen! (she has big brown eyes and long droopy ears, so really uses that to add to the effect), and she says to me 'You have got to be to joking mother! Walking in this?!'
So I walk ahead of her and am calling her and saying 'lets go for a walk', and trying to make it seem that walking in the rain is the best thing ever!
But she still refuses to budge, and she says 'Mother. I am NOT walking in this weather! You are crazy!'
Eventually I give up and head for home, and she is overjoyed!! Now she moves!!!
Lesson for the day?
If the dog doesn't want to walk in the rain, then why make her?! Take her advice and go home where it is dry and warm!